ridiculously lifelike wax statue of
Brad Pitt were unveiled in Paris today at the Musee Grevin, which I assume is French for
"Jennifer Aniston, please bargain our shit." And I use the term ridiculous life is not so much as a compliment to the artist, but as a testament to how much Angelina Jolie and their 27 children have sucked the life out of Brad Pitt. Because I guarantee if you stood next to this matter long as NOK, it would finally sneezes before offering you the keys to a Ducati to keep your damn mouth shut.
"It's parked out back, so you have nothing. Nothing!"
He is one of the biggest stars in the world, so it's no wonder Brad Pitt got a new wax figure of Paris, France today July 26. In "Fight Club" stud new portrait was unveiled at the Musee Grevin, and was next to a wax statue of George Clooney.
Brad pitt new wax statue was unveiled at the Paris Musee Grevin This is very exciting because Brad Pitt's new wax statue was unveiled at the Paris Musee Grevin. He was one of the biggest stars in the world, so no wonder that Brad Pitt has a new wax statue in Paris.